The Most Effective Antacid for the Neutralization of the Stomach
Author: Kyler L. Gray
11 October 2017
Stomach acid builds up can cause irritation and immense pain to individuals. Luckily, antacid tablets are readily available and can be found almost anywhere. However, because of there ready availability, there are many brands with many different effects. This experiment aimed to determine which antacid tablet was the most effective. After experimentation, Alcalak was shown to have the highest neutralization results among the four brands we tested, with 0.011 mols of HCl.
Stomach acid, or gastric acid, is the chief cause of the discomfort associated with heartburn. …show more content…
The chosen antacid tablet was a 425 mg tablet, Gelusil. The Gelusil antacid tablet was then crushed in a 150 mL beaker with a rod until its consistency looked like that of sand. The crushed Gelusil was then poured and dissolved in a 100 mL beaker of hydrochloric acid (HCl). The beaker with the newly dissolved antacid was then placed on a hotplate; magnetic stir rods were then added into the beaker with the solution. Once the substance was fully dissolved, it was poured into three 100 mL beakers. The beakers containing the Gelusil antacid were filled with 25 mL of HCl. Three drops of an indicator were administered to every beaker before undergoing experimentation. Following the use of the indicator, a 50 mL burette with 50 mL of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was used to drip minute amounts of concentration to each of the three 25 mL of HCl that contained the dissolved Gelusil antacid tablet. The first beaker turned slightly pink with 7.5 mL of NaOH. It contained 0.018 moles of HCl. The second beaker also showcased slight hints of peak with 7.0 mL of NaOH. It contained 0.020 moles of HCl. The third beaker, which was not averaged into the experiment, turned into a thick dark pink