Firstly, The writer states that modern technology makes possible harvesting gas and oil with little or no dangers. The writer mentions the belfies that was stated safe exploration from North of Alaska and from North sea is impossible but now these two fields of oil proved to be valuable source of energy. The speaker is extremely disagree with this statement. The woman indicates that Antaricitca is feragile and easily
damaged. Gas and oil exploration is dangerous for enviremont and plant life of there. She mentions animals wich live there and believes that expolartation is terrible for them. Also she thinks North of Alaska and North sea are uncomprable with Antaricitca.
Secondly, The writer says gas and oil exploration is expensive but he believes as fossil fuels become more rare, and needs for fossil fuels increase,this exploration becomes more economical. The speaker is totally disagree with this claim. She states this exploration is too expensive to operate. She thinks if the govemrnet invests all financial sources in exploration, It would not enough yet. Finally she appose to writer, says Ancartica should remains undevelop for the generations who become.