Location of service: Sydney CBD is the closest to Liverpool Hospital.
Funding of service: Health fund rebate.
Cost for use of service: $130 for first hour assessment and $39 per class thereafter.
Referral requirements: Medical clearance form from doctor.
Waiting time to access service: Once a woman is pregnant and aware, they can contact via email or telephone to book an initial assessment. They need to bring with them their medical clearance form. Timetables for both locations can be retrieved online via Pregnancy Pilates website.
Description and critique of service:
The physiotherapists at Pregnancy Pilates offer women a gentle combination of breathing techniques, structured core exercises, stretches and mobility exercises in a relaxed environment during pregnancy, labour and post birth. This class aims at building a woman’s confidence, strength and knowledge. It prepares women for any hormonal or physiological changes that women may face during pregnancy. Before booking, a thorough one on one assessment of a woman’s condition will determine what weaknesses within the body need strengthening and conditioning (The Fix Program, 2014).
Pregnancy is related to a number of musculoskeletal problems. Biochemical changes during pregnancy such as the hormone relaxin aid in this change causing ligaments to soften, thus causing issues such as back pain (Balough, 2005 & The Fix Program, 2014). Pilates provides stability and strengthen these ligaments and the muscles surrounding them. It is a conditioned exercise program that stabilises muscles around one’s core. The diaphragm, pelvic floor, transverse abdominus and the multifidius are the key muscles targeted during exercise. Balogh (2005) states that “contracting these muscles together lead to an increased abdominal pressure and increase the stability lumbar spine pressure”. (Balogh, 2005). Meditation combined with pilates highly benefit the mother and baby through the release of