Slide: States Society
- Pre-industrial states * economy based more on human/animal manual labor * Early or Archaic States - Industrial states * economy based more on mechanized, fossil-fueled production
2. States: - Tens of thousands of people and up - large territories * 4 distinct sizes of settlements. Ex: cities, towns, large and small villages * often large, densely-populated cities - intensive agriculture
3. Great Zimbabwe vs. London : 13b.s
4. Mohenjo -Daro, Indus Valley cs. 2000 B.C
5. Inka Ag Terrace at Moray ca. A.D. 1200 - 1532
6. States: - permanent leaders * With monnopoly on legitimate use of force * military/police and judiciary - Stratified society * Socio-economic hierarchy with at least 2 distinct social strata (classes or castes) * Status based more on occupation/wealth rather than on kinship * Kinship less important as organizing principle
7. States - widespread specialization * craft / occupation * administrative (bureaucracy) * Sometimes commercials or military - states can be multi-ethnic * made up with different people with difference in ethic, language, etc.
8. Teotihuacan, ca. A.D. 500 example of states
9. states: - states commonly, but not always have: *centrally-managed economy *construction of public works * offical state religion * monumental architecture and public art
10. inka road system ca. A.S. 1200 - 1532
11. moche roayl burial, sipan, peru, ca. A.D. 400
12. states - states commonly , but not always have: * centrally-managed economy 13. "civilzation" - state that has many of the above features
14. empire - a uniono of dispersed territories, colonies, staes, and unrelated peoples under one sovereign rule - ex a state "that eats other