Throughout the story, the setting plays an integral role. The characters in the novel live in a society, where they believe that only one religion is true and that it is superior to the others. This results in various differences between the many nations in the planet. One of the major differences is that “The Dark”, an ancient magic is outlawed in the country where Vaelin lives and in the other nations it is not prohibited. “The Dark” is a supernatural ability that enhances the user’s power, which is what Vaelin uses to fight against his enemies. This is best described when the enemy’s leader states, “He warned me of your coming and that your Dark skill with the Blade will undo me,” (Ryan 358). This proves that the enemies know that Vaelin’s true identity and that he will destroy them with his magical abilities. Thus “The Dark”, a powerful source of magic, shows the true Vaelin. Moreover, another case that the setting proves the theme is when the Alpirans, a race, expected Vaelin to come and kill their master. The Alpirans have a different religion that has prophesized millions of years ago, that a person, Vaelin, will come and kill their general. When Vaelin actually kills the general, everyone stops fighting, as they realize that this is the moment that was prophesised. This is best showcased when it says, “Every Alpiran …show more content…
Many conflicts take place, however mainly the inner conflicts between Vaelin are the most important; as they show that self-realization is important. One conflict that takes place is when Vaelin and his teacher are having a conversation and he learns that the killing ability that he has is not his natural instinct, rather the work of the Blood Song. This is best showcased when the teacher says, “The song can make us reach for many different tools; the pen, the chisel...or sword,” (Ryan 483). This proves that the many times that Vaelin killed people were not because he wanted, rather the work of the song. Furthermore, the second time the conflicts in the story help the readers understand the theme is when Vaelin has a huge battle within himself. Vaelin is in a room, with the most powerful people in the country, however he knows that the biggest threat he will ever face is himself: the Blood Song. Despite the King’s authority, Vaelin believes that the song is more powerful. This is best shown when Vaelin says, “There was great danger in this room. Danger from the King’s design. But most of all the danger of the Blood-Song, telling him to kill them both,” (Ryan 433). This proves that Vaelin knows that he should indeed kill the King, because the Blood Song never lies, but he cannot murder the King, as he would have to face