The Gebusi, written by Knauft, was written with the intention of sharing the author’s discoveries during his stay with and study of the Gebusi people in Papua New Guinea. Starting in the early 1980’s, he traveled to Papua New Guinea and lived with the Gebusi people. At that time, they were still in their traditional tribal way of life, which fascinated him and resulted in the writing of the first edition of the Gebusi. The second time he visited was the late 1990’s when Christianity had civilized the people and the government had sent workers to improve the quality of life for the Gebusi. Then we have the final visit in 2008 where Knauft discovered the government had abandoned the people and they had somewhat returned to their own ways.…
The !Kung bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa are one of the few bands of hunter-gatherers left in the world. They survive by foraging for their meals while traveling, never settling in one specific area. Hunting and gathering was the primary mode of survival until about ten thousand years ago. Anthropologists have made assumptions about the hunting and gathering lifestyle of current populations because it seems like a precarious method of living. Moreover, the Kalahari area where the !Kung live in was perceived to be baron because it is a desert. However, a study done over a period of years beginning in 1960 led by Richard Lee disproved the common misconception of the life of these foragers, proving that they were not the uncultivated society that they were perceived to be.…
Commonly referred to as Bushmen by the general public and thought of as being harsh wild people that live in the “unlivable” Kalahari Desert. The Ju /’hoansi tribe native to the southern African desert, located along the border of Namibia and Botswana, have been misunderstood and stereotyped for a long time. This is until a man by the name of Richard B. Lee came along and wrote an ethnography about the local systems of the Ju and completely changed how an outsider might view this rural tribe, along with being a fine example of proper long-term field research in social anthropology. This highly regarded book on the Ju /’hoansi is titled “The Dobe Ju /’hoansi.” Although Lee states in the preface to the first edition that a book like this, “can only hint at the fragility of this quality of life”(Lee 2003: xi) it can also scream- understand these people more thoroughly because of how unique and fragile their lifestyle actually is. This paper is going to take a look at what exactly makes this particular material something worthy of critically analyzing in cultural anthropology. Questions that would need to be examined to analyze critically from an ethnographic standpoint would consist of; what are some goals by the author? what role does the structure play in sequencing? Is there a particular method used? What kinds of theories are addressed?…
- Participation leads to acceptance form society. He was not acting as an observer but was taking part in the experience.…
5.) Which feature in the physical structure of Tropical Rain Forest is likely to have been the most significant factor in the evolution of rain forest diversity? the canopy…
Vol. 2, No. 1, Biological and Cultural Anthropology at Emory University (Feb., 1987), pp. 137-154…
Hi my name is Agent Zeek , Im a vacation travel agent, my job is to make presentation and advertise different travel packages and to promote different part of the world. During the past few weeks i been traveling to different part of the world, and the most spatacular place that caught my attention was the tropical rain forest.Tropical rainforests cover about 6% of the Earth's total land surface. They are mainly located around the belt at the equator. The climate of the rainforest is warm most of the year and has a lot of rain through most of the year. The climate is perfect for animals and plant growth. Even though the rainforests cover such a little amount of land mass of the Earth, they are home to the largest number of plant and animal species in such a concentrated area.…
Annette B. Weiner describes her fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea as entering a world without cultural guideposts. She was fully aware and expected to find difficulty with learning a new language and of letting go of her own cultural assumptions. Weiner studied the Trobriand Islands via the writings of Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski and thus her expectations were set by fieldwork performed sixty years earlier. Not to mention that Malinowski was a man, of a different time and therefore was almost of a different culture himself.…
African forests contain millions of species of countless wildlife and plant species. It is estimated that up to 50,000 plant and animal species become extinct each year due to tropical deforestation. This is detrimental to our ecology, and we will eventually lose millions of species due to deforestation.…
The paper “Eating Christmas in the Kalahari”, written by Richard Lee, it describes his experience living with the Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in south central Africa. The story goes into depth about the experiences and cultural differences that caused him to almost quit his three year study. The study serves as documentation of another instance of how different societies of people distinguish themselves from one another and how they conduct themselves on a daily basis.…
Forest: Law, Life, and Mind (2001), the past decade has witnessed a growing interest in…
Throughout a hundred centuries people have worked hard to sustain productive agriculture and dense human populations. Certain forms of agriculture are possible, and should be considered sustainable, for the economic development of tropical rainforests. For thousands of years humans have created a disturbance in the rainforests by creating areas of concentrated diversity of species within the landscape. The Indigenous people of the Amazon fostered palm forests, groves of Brazil nuts and fruit trees, and vine forests near ancient Amazonian settlements. Environmentalists could argue that rainforests can be “saved” by through the restriction of economic growth, but it is vital to realize that the local communities will not approve parks and reserves, as it is in their interest to conserve the rainforest. The shifted cultivator who forces small farmers into the forest to begin new farmlands causes about 60% of deforestation in Amazon. Researchers have warned if we continue to change the use of the land it can affect the region’s climate, and the absorption of carbon dioxide in the Amazon. “By converting forests into cropland there is a pronounced ecological and climate impact than land conversions because it involves the complete removal of land biomass, including tree trunks, stumps and woody roots.” (Mike Bettwy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center). A better approach to addressing the increasing problem of deforestation in the Amazon is to follow the methods that have been used by indigenous forest dwellers for thousands of years. Many cleared forest areas used for agriculture can be salvaged by cultivation techniques. Annual crops, pasture land, are some examples of what can be done to increase agricultural productivity and to reduce the destruction in many rainforests.…
When mention the word ‘Borneo’, instantaneously these metaphors comes into our mind; beautiful elaborated designs of traditional costumes, graceful dance moves accompanied by tribal music, tattoos, headhunting, and the untouched beauty of floras and faunas.…
Tropical rainforests are one of the most endangered habitats in the world. Many factors threaten these forests, possibly leading to deforestation and decrease of species within a forest. In South-East Asia, the point where tropical rainforests can only exist as preserved fragments in nature reserves is approaching very fast (Aiken & Leigh, 1985). One example is a nature reserve named “Bukit Timah” in Singapore.…
notes on the ecology of rain forest species. Journal of East African Natural History 88:17-24.…