Cultural Anthropology
-Margaret Mead went to eastern Samoa in 1925 when she was 23, and spent nine months in the field studying childrearing patterns and adolescent behaviour
-Renato Rosaldo the Ilongot Head-hunters
-Clifford Geertz: the Balinese cockfight
-Douglass Drozdow-St. Christian: what Samoans consider “good and proper body” and the meanings of making babies into “good and proper bodies”
Anthropology 025
Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology
Ethnographic Method- Immersion of researchers in the lives and cultures of the peoples they are trying to understand in order to comprehend the meanings these people ascribe to their existence (Robbins & Larkin 2006:310).
Participant Observation- The active participation of a researcher or observer in the lives of this being studied (Robbins & Larkin 2006:311)
>Earlier Ethnographers:
Focus in small-scale less complex societies that fell outside the sphere of European influence and culture
Anthropological Theories
All societies pass through a series of stages.
Lewis Morgan: Proposed that societies progress from inferior to superior under 3 stages: salvages, barbarians and civilized
>American Historicism or Historical Particularism:
The collection of ethnographic facts through direct fieldwork must precede the development of cultural theories.
Franz Boas: Dedicated to physical anthropology, geography and ethnology as taught on Germany.
Jan 22
French Structiralis
The ethnographer must describe a culture in terms of native categories (emic view) rather than in terms of his/her own categories
Principal Advocate: Sturtevant, Goodenough
Cultural Materialism:
Material conditions determine human consciousness and behaviour
Stressed the “etic” view this means they advocated themselves to the analytical framework and tools used by outsiders in searching for patterns and