Title: | Introduction To Cultural Anthropology | Code: | PG 151 | Credit points: | 8 | Contact Hours: | 3 | Lecturer : | Sibona Nega KOPI (PhD) |
This course covers the similarities and differences in human societies, from hunting and gathering to industrialized societies. It compares and contrasts Papua New Guinean beliefs and practices with those of other societies. Students are introduced to related cultural concepts and principles including holism and cultural relativism.
Pre-requisites: None
Upon the successful completion of this course, students are able to: * Be aware of and challenge your own culture, worldviews, biases and assumptions; * Understand the concept and influence of culture; * Know various anthropological research methods and how to conduct ethically sound research in anthropology; * Understand the relationship between patterns in behaviour and cultural influences; * Use written and oral communication skills effectively, employing methods appropriate to message and content; * Think clearly and critically, fusing experience, knowledge and reasoning into considered judgment; * Demonstrate the knowledge of culture’s role in society; * Develop a sense of cultural relativity * Think clearly and critically, fusing experience, knowledge and reasoning into considered judgment * Summarise and write a critical view of an ethnography * Understand the relationship between patterns in behaviour and cultural influences; * Identify, interpret, and solve problems, effectively implementing and evaluating proposed strategies.
UNIT OUTLINE Week | Date | content | Task | Week 1 | Feb 4, 6, 8 | Introduction to Anthropology | | week 2 | Feb 11, 13, 15 | Awareness of your Culture, Worldview and Biases | | Week 3 | Feb 18, 20, 22 | Anthropological Research Methods and Ethics
References: * Barber, N. 2008. Explaining Cross-National Differences In Polygyny Intensity: Resource-Defense, Sex Rate, and infectious Diseases. Cross – Cultural Research 42: 103-117 * Boehm, C., 2oo8 * Connelly, B.S. and Ores, D. S., 2008. The Personality of Corruption: a national level analysis. Cross-Cultural Research, 42: 353-385 * Ember, C., 2010 * Ember, M., Ember, C. R. and Low,B. S., 2007. Comparing Explanations of Polygyny. Cross-Cultural Research, 41: 428-490 * Haywood, R Due: 22 Feb., 2013 Assessment Criteria: Weight: 20% Due: 5 April, 2013 Due: 28 Feb. , 2013 Assessment Criteria: Due: 29 April, 2013 Assessment criteria: