By: David Paul C. Babasa
God has given as life, and life is sacred and good. God has also given the responsibility to make decisions which reflect a reverence for life in circumstances when conflicting relatives are present. Jesus affirmed women as full partners in the faith capable of making decisions that affect their lives. We Filipinos must be open tackling the issues about this abortion topic. Some religious sectors may have their staring eyes about this. Some question WHY?, DOES IT NECESSARY?, YES! Because legalization of abortion making a choice for every women, Filipina women to have a safe access and legal abortion with a woman’s right to follow the dictate of her own faith and beliefs in determining when and if she should have children.
Should Abortion be legal? Why not here’s some reasons and statements why should be abortion be legal here in the Philippines.
1. A woman's right to choose abortion is a "fundamental right”
(Those countries practicing abortion also practicing and enjoying woman’s right) 2. Personhood begins at birth not at conception.
(Abortion is the termination of pregnancy not a baby. Personhood at conception is not a proven biological fact.) 3. Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain during abortion.
(Only has the biological development not yet occurred to support pain experience, but the environment after birth, so necessary to the development of pain experience, is also yet to occur.) 4. Access to legal professionally performed abortions reduces injury and death caused by unsafe illegal abortion.
(Illegal abortions caused 68000 maternal death each year where abortion is not legal) 5. The anti abortion position is usually on religious beliefs and threatens the vital separation of the state and the and church.
(Religious ideology should not be the foundation the law it should be the interest of the people for common good of each and everyone.) 6.