In Clare Wilson’s New scientist, 2012 article entitled Anti-HIV Drug Splits Opinion, she states that there’s are two drugs that can reduce that chances of contracting HIV and can be taken before and after sex, they are called Truvada and prophylaxis. Truvada is made of Antivirals, Tenofovir and also emtricitabine and has been legal in the U.S since 2012 and can be taken as a daily pill, Truvada studies have shown that it lowers the use of condoms but the STD rates remain the same. On the other hand, Prophylaxis is not legal in the U.S and only can reduce some of the risk of contracting the HIV virus. Even though Truvada is legal in the U.S practitioners such as doctors have never heard of it and buyers
In Clare Wilson’s New scientist, 2012 article entitled Anti-HIV Drug Splits Opinion, she states that there’s are two drugs that can reduce that chances of contracting HIV and can be taken before and after sex, they are called Truvada and prophylaxis. Truvada is made of Antivirals, Tenofovir and also emtricitabine and has been legal in the U.S since 2012 and can be taken as a daily pill, Truvada studies have shown that it lowers the use of condoms but the STD rates remain the same. On the other hand, Prophylaxis is not legal in the U.S and only can reduce some of the risk of contracting the HIV virus. Even though Truvada is legal in the U.S practitioners such as doctors have never heard of it and buyers