4589). With this prevalence, it remains significantly likely that either an individual or his or her sexual partner will remain infected with HPV. Although acquiring HPV does not guarantee an individual will acquire cancer, as it does not directly cause this condition, the virus produces mutations as the cellular level, which can lead to cervical cancer. Aware of HPV incidence, “In 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil®), which protects against the HPV types that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases (16 and 18) and 90% of genital warts cases (6 and 11)” (Garcini, et al., 2012, p. 4589). An individual should acquire this vaccination between his or her preteen years and young adulthood, as the vaccine should be given prior to becoming sexual active. The vaccine stands as a three-step process, which remains a reason for the low compliance rates. To assist in patient adherence and compliance, a nurse should determine patient resources, educate on the three-step process, and ensure patient
4589). With this prevalence, it remains significantly likely that either an individual or his or her sexual partner will remain infected with HPV. Although acquiring HPV does not guarantee an individual will acquire cancer, as it does not directly cause this condition, the virus produces mutations as the cellular level, which can lead to cervical cancer. Aware of HPV incidence, “In 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil®), which protects against the HPV types that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases (16 and 18) and 90% of genital warts cases (6 and 11)” (Garcini, et al., 2012, p. 4589). An individual should acquire this vaccination between his or her preteen years and young adulthood, as the vaccine should be given prior to becoming sexual active. The vaccine stands as a three-step process, which remains a reason for the low compliance rates. To assist in patient adherence and compliance, a nurse should determine patient resources, educate on the three-step process, and ensure patient