HOW TO USE THIS STUDY GUIDE: You should be able to provide fairly detailed answers to the following questions and directions… this means you will probably use more room than is provided by the small spaces between them. Some of those answers will include things I talked about in lecture, as well as concepts that are explained by your textbook. You may want to reformat the guide on the computer before you print it, leaving yourself more room to write or type, or transcribe the questions to other sheets of paper.…
Use this outline to preview the chapter before you read a particular section in your textbook and then as a selfcheck…
Use each week’s questions as a self-test at the start of a new week to reflect on the previous week’s concepts. When you come across concepts that you are unfamiliar with, refer to the Student Guide for that particular week. The Student Guide provides a breakdown of the readings that align to the Final Examination questions.…
Students will reread the selected text to locate context clues to assist in repair of comprehension breakdown.…
Undertaken prior to a lesson or course is delivered and helps direct my session planning to meet learner’s expectations. Ideally this identifies prior knowledge, individual learner’s current levels and any special requirements.…
These items can help link new information to previously learned material. Look for ideas that spark your imagination or curiosity. Ask yourself how the material can relate to your long-term goals. Inspect drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, and photographs.…
Describe the reading and comprehension strategies you will employ. How will these help make you a more effective reader? The reading and comprehension strategies that I will employ are marking and reading comprehension. Some other strategies I will employ are vocabulary skills such as using context to determine the definition of words and writing down unfamiliar terms. Utilizing marking helps me to better highlight and outline key points for better understanding. Reading with comprehension helps me to better focus and concentrate on readings. This makes sure I am better prepared for assignments and exams.…
2. Learners are expected to come to class prepared (materials, extra pencils, text books, e.g.).…
Activities such as rereading the prediction and question charts and modifying predictions will provide students with additional time to think and consolidate their understanding.…
your textbook and to assist you as you organize your notes in preparation for test evaluation. They…
Source: “An ocean steamer passing the Statue of Liberty: Scene on the Steerage Deck,” from Frank…
Undertaken prior to a lesson or course is delivered and helps direct my session planning to meet learner’s expectations. Ideally this identifies prior knowledge, individual learner’s current levels and any special requirements.…
Pre-teaching Vocabulary Words Prior to students receiving a passage to read, review unfamiliar words used in the reading. (Thornbury)…
When drafting lesson plans the instructor must incorporate reading, paraphrasing, visualizing, estimating, computation, and self-check strategies. These strategies help to develop cognitive skills necessary for problem solving which is typically a weakness for LD students. Continued implementation and practice of these strategies help the student to incorporate these skills so that they are able to self regulate when necessary.…
By taking the time to get to know your student, his interests, providing a safe learning environment, building a relationship with him and finding ways to motivate him, you will put him on the path to becoming a successful reader (Afflerbach, 2012). As to get to the ability of my students about comprehending and organizing the sequence of stories, I conducted activities about story mapping and recount plan writing with them. These assessments serve as great help for me to know about the interests of my students and who need additional support as well. In addition, I found out it is essential to provide visual aids (e.g. table, poster, chart) to help students outline the stories and address the key components in retelling stories or creating stories. I also learned that it is critical to use a variety ways to keep the record of students. Excellent teachers use multiple assessments such as observations, running records, samples of student work, and student conferences (International Reading Association, 2000).…