CONTEXT: A text from the same author, students will be encouraged to make connections between the style of writing and the fictional story being told
PURPOSE: This text provides students with an opportunity to apply and reinforce their knowledge of text features and to learn how to locate information in a text.
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Activities such as rereading the prediction and question charts and modifying predictions will provide students with additional time to think and consolidate their understanding.
• Reorganizing the same information into a graphic organizer, sorting the characteristics of dif- ferent regions on the mountainside, and labelling a mountain diagram will help students clarify their thinking.
• The use of teacher/student-generated texts could enhance student understanding of the pub- lished text.
• Rereading the text and working with small chunks of the text each day will help students deepen their understanding of the content.
Structuring whole-class and partner work will encourage the full participation of all students.
• The lessons could be extended by explaining compound words, skimming the text with students to identify the compound words, and making a list with students of the compound words and their two separate parts.
AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM …show more content…
• monitor meaning and self-correct using context, prior knowledge, punctuation, language and phonic knowledge.
• listen for particular purposes and listen for and manipulate sound combinations and rhythmic sound patterns.
• can accurately spell familiar words and attempt to spell less familiar words, use punctuation accurately and legibly write unjoined upper- and lower-case letters.
• can create texts, drawing on their own experiences, their imagination and information they have learned and use a variety of strategies to engage in group and class discussion
Students will:
• express clear responses to written materials, relating the ideas in them (thoughts, feelings, experiences) to their own knowledge and experience;
• read a variety of simple written materials for different purposes;
• restate information in a short non-fiction text in their own words;
• identify characteristics of different forms of written materials;
Oral and Visual Communications
• talk about information and ideas in non-fiction materials, and relate them to personal