Antigone: Charged with treason against The State and contempt
What if Antigone had been given a fair trial with a jury of her peers? Would they have condemned her still? You get to be the prosecution & defense in determining a fair fate for Antigone. You must ask yourselves, did Antigone act with treasonous intent against The State or were her actions otherwise motivated? Even further, was this an act of the gods and beyond her control?
During this trial, you must base all your information strictly on the text. Of course, some improvising will be necessary to create round characters for the trial, but your interpretations should still coincide with the text. Points will be deducted for acting out of character and faulty assumptions.
Judge (Mr. Schultz): responsible for knowing and administrating all court procedures; will establish time limits for all parties.
Antigone: Defendant and Witness; responsible for creating an affidavit for being called to testify which should include a plea and reasoning; responsible for knowing specific lines from the play that relate to her plea; must know her character.
Prosecuting Attorneys (PA): Responsible for prosecuting Antigone by presenting & examining a witness and presenting evidence to the court; must come prepared with correct understanding of court procedures (objections), questions for direct examination/cross examination, and list of witnesses; must have opening and closing statements prepared.
Defense Attorneys (DA): Responsible for defending Antigone by presenting & examining a witness/witnesses and presenting evidence to the court; must come prepared with correct understanding of court procedures (objections), questions for direct examination/cross examination, and a list of witnesses; must have opening and closing statements prepared.