Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1962, Kiedis had a turbulent childhood, involving the constant separation and rekindling of his parents relationship, interrupted by their involvement with various other partners. At age three, Kiedis ' parents divorced permanently causing him much “emotional discombobulation” (Kiedis & Sloman 2004, pp. 15). Their frequent movement around the country resulted in Kiedis attending multiple schools and a constant feeling of insecurity. At the age of four, Kiedis was introduced to marijuana by his father, however it was not until age six that he began to commit crimes of his own will, when he shoplifted Slim Jims from a candy store. Inspired by his father, he “developed [a] real resentment toward the...administration” resulting in him committing small acts of school vandalism in grade three (Kiedis & Sloman 2004, pp. 19). When he moved to Los Angeles at twelve with his father, he had
Bibliography: Primary Sources: Kiedis, A & Sloman, L, 2004, Scar Tissue, Hyperion, New York. Secondary Sources: Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2013, Florida State University, Florida viewed 15 April 2013, Garland, D & Sparks, R, 2000, 'Criminology, social theory and the challenge of our times ', London, British Journal of Criminology, pp. 189-204. Joyce, P, 2012, Criminal Justice: An Introduction, Routledge, New York, pp. 20. Lyng, S (eds) 2005, Edgework: The Scoiollogy of Risk Taking, Routledge, New York. Maahs, JR & Vito, GF, 2012, Criminology: theory, research and policy, Jones and Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, Mass, pp. 170-178. Pfohl, S, 1994, Images of Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological History, McGraw-Hill New York. Sutherland, E 1934, Principles of Criminology, J. B. Lippincott Company, Chicago, pp. 96-115. Zinn, JO (eds) 2008, Social theories of Risk and Uncertainty: an Introduction, Blackwell Publication, Malden, MA, pp. 111.