Mr. Pankonin
Hour 4
A.W.N.R. To Drill or Not to Drill The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is located in the northeastern corner of Alaska. It consists of about 19 million acres of rolling hills, arctic tundra, and braided rivers along with a variety of migratory birds, caribou and sheep, and bears and wolves. On the west border of ANWR, there is oil development and on the east side of ANWR, the Canadians are drilling too. So, geologists believe that there is a major deposit of oil right in the northern part of ANWR. The question is whether to drill or not to drill in there.
A great reason to start oil development in ANWR is that jobs would be created. An estimated 250,000 to 750,000 jobs will be created for making roads, building the oil wells and pipelines, and transporting resources. Exploration if allowed would only be 1.5 million acres or 8 percent of ANWR. In the exploration area, only 2000 acres (half a percent of ANWR) are estimated to be needed for oil development and construction activity. Hardly any land would be affected.
If passed by the legislature, federal revenues would be enhanced by billions of dollars from lease rentals, taxes and the oil itself. This would help with the national debt and bring a positive economic impact that would affect each state directly.
Based on the North Slope Oil Fields, oil and gas development is coexisting successfully with the wildlife around the area. The Central Arctic Caribou Herd (CACH) has expanded its population from 3000 to 32,000 animals. The animals living within the oil fields are very healthy and prosperous. In voting poles, over 75 percent of Alaskans favor exploration and oil production in ANWR. Even the local people, the Inupiat Eskimos, support onshore oil development on the Coastal Plain. There are several reasons why drilling should not be allowed in ANWR. One reason is that animals are on the brink of endangerment and extinction. Not talking about the ANWR animals