What is literature?
1. It is the body of written works of a language, period, or culture.
2. It is marked by the use of figurative language—such as creative metaphors, well-turned phrases, elegant syntax, rhyme, alliteration, meter, and the like.
3. It is in a literary genre: poetry, prose fiction, drama, etc.
4. It is read aesthetically.
5. It is intended by the writer to be read aesthetically.
6. It contains many implications—which are open to the reader’s interpretation.
Qualities of literature
1. From the earliest of times, cultures have been defined by their literature, whose medium comprises language.
2. Literature falls into two categories:
a) utilitarian
b) creative
3. People read creative literature because they expect it to hold their interest a nd provide pleasure.
4. The formal divisions of literature are:
a) fiction
b) non-fiction
c) poetry
d) drama
Types of literature
I. Fiction—are works that emanate from the author’s imagination rather than from fact. It takes one of two approaches to its subject matter:
a) realistic—the appearance of observable, true-to-life details
b) non-realistic—fantasy
Fictional elements can appear in narrative poetry, drama, and even biography and epic poetry.
AI. Non-fiction—consists of works based mainly on fact rather than on the imagination, although non- fictional works may contain fictional elements.
Types of fiction
Fiction is divided into two categories:
A. Novel—is a prose narrative of considerable length, has a plot that unfolds from the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters. They can be classified by subject matter:
1) epistolary
2) gothic pseudo-medieval
3) historical
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References: Bain, C., Beaty, J. & Hunter, J. (1981). The Norton introduction to literature. New York: Norton. Barnet, S. (2007). An introduction to literature. Harlow: Longman. “Glossary of Literary Terms”. The University of North Carolina at Pembrok e. http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada/work/allam/general/glossary.htm , retrieved March 2009. | | | | | |