The topic of my bachelor thesis covers one of the vital issues of literary criticism as a subject and the very literary historical process as a whole — it deals with the issue of a literary dialogue. The phenomenon is considered by juxtaposing [dʒekstə'pəʊz]- зіставляти of the two literary texts – The Turn of the Screw, a novella by Henry James (publ. 1898) and John Harding’s novel Florence and Giles (publ. 2010), a neo-Victorian reworking of Henry James’s classic. Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Henry James’s highly ambiguous late-Victorian ghost story The Turn of the Screw (1898), which captures the mysterious events at Bly involving two of literature’s most infamous child characters, Flora …show more content…
Harding, or rather his prot’agonist and narrator Florence, does not simply retell James’s The Turn of the Screw from another perspective, but defamiliarises it, entirely omits several integral parts of the original, or adds new material while simultaneously employing a great number of overt= əʊ'vɜ:t intertextual references. Florence and Giles constitutes ['kɔnstitju:t] a creative reworking that in focus and feeling remains much closer to The Turn of the Screw, in spite of the shift in geographical as well as temporal setting. In Florence and Giles, the mid-nineteenth century English setting of Bly is transferred to Blithe House in New England, the area that was also James’s home in the United States. Like Bly, Blithe is located near a lake and has two large towers that figure in the tale in important ways. The story is now set in the year …show more content…
psyche - душа и logos - понятие, слово) - способ изображения душевной жизни человека в художественном произведении: воссоздание внутренней жизни персонажа, ее динамики, смены душевных состояний, анализ свойств личности героя. П. может быть явным — открытым (непосредственное воспроизведение внутренней речи героя или образов, возникающих в его воображении, сознании, памяти
Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernaturalphenomena as a primary plot element, theme, or setting.
Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author. Although the term fiction refers in particular to novels and short stories
Thriller is a genre of literature, film, and television programming that usessuspense, tension, and excitement as its main elements.Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods, giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and terror.
Три́ллер (от англ. thrill — трепет, волнение) — жанр произведений литературы и кино, нацеленный вызвать у зрителя или читателя чувства тревожного ожидания, волнения илистраха. Жанр не имеет чётких границ, элементы триллера присутствуют во многих произведениях разных