books, the professor can only do so much, however it is up to the students to interpret the reading from what they understood. The professor is in charge of what he will teach, “some teach the formal aspects of literature, some the sociology of literature, some the politics. There are those who teach because literature tells them what it means to be human; others who hold that literature means whatever one wishes it to mean; still others who say it means nothing at all” (Rosenblatt). This is an example of how, literature to each individual can mean something different. Literature in each person has a personal value, whether it is reading fiction novels, fantasy or non-fiction, there is a certain pleasure from being able to relate to someone else with mutual feelings. Many people have experiences that have shaped their life, something that has impacted them strongly.
In the powerpoint slides, the photo with words, to one person can be just a regular message, but to someone else they can a different reaction towards it because of something that they have experienced that relates to the certain add. The message that this particular photo has is someone being a bullying. Bullying over several years in the United States has been a big controversy as it continues to increase and lead up to drastic consequences. For someone who has not experienced being bullied, the post might not cause much of a reaction as to a person who has being bullied. It can bring dramatic events back to the person. Commonly people believe that literature can only be involving books, yet anything that carries a message and one is able to interpret can be literature. In Heath’s essay he states that there are many perspective on literature, many people can come together at once and a million different definitions of literature will be said, because everyone conveys it
differently. The point of literature is to at the end be able to connect with the reading in some way, whether it was something enjoyable or not. As a reader, one must be actively reading to be able to comprehend at the end. Synoptical reading can be performed when you are attempting to analyze a reading. It is up to one to find the meaning behind a reading, otherwise there would be no reason for one to be reading something if there is no meaning. It can be interpreted many differently, some people considered the meaning that they find valuable. There are some people that find that fiction novels are not the best to read as people tend to loose touch with reality and not think responsibly, as Jefferson states. The world of literature is one where one can truly express themselves and someone will understand.