II. Overcoming the Tradition of Silence • Muchachitas bien criadas • “In my culture they are all words that are derogatory if applied to women – I’ve never heard them applied to men.”
III. Oyé como ladra: el lenguaje de la frontera • Chicano Spanish is considered by the purist and by most Lations deficient, a mutilation of Spanish. • A language which they can connect their identity to, one capable of communicating the realities and values true to themselves – a language with terms that are neither español ni ingles, but both. • Identify themselves as a distinct people • Languages we speak: o Standard English o Working class & slang English o Standard Spanish o Standard Mexican Spanish o North Mexican Spanish dialect o Chicano Spanish (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, & California) ▪ Examples: cohete/cuete, Jue/Fue, Lado/Lao ▪ Truje, haiga, ansina, naiden o Tex-Mex ▪ Examples: Bola, Carpeta, Máchina de lavar, Watchar, Parkiar o Pachuco ▪ Examples: Vato, Chale, Simón, Ruca, Que Gacho
IV. Chicano Spanish • Chicanos, after 250 years of Spanish/Anglo colonization have developed significant differences in the Spanish we speak. We collapse two adjacent vowels into a single syllable and sometimes shift the stress in certain words & leave out certain consonants when they appear between vowels.
V. Linguistic Terrorism • Deslenguadas. Somos los del español deficient. We are your linguistic nightmare, your linguistic aberration, your linguistic mestizaje, the subject of your burla. Because we speak with tongues of fire we are culturally crucified. Racially, culturally and linguistically somos