Because few remote control (RC) setups allow for live telemetry, almost all flying is done "by eye," and RC instrumentation and data logging is a poorly developed field. RC gliders especially eschew any projecting elements which could increase drag. The few relevant RC systems the author has found are described in this section, but most considered designs are in practice found only on manned vehicles.
\begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \subfigure[\label{fig:f:1}Goodrich Model 0861 swept-vane AOA probe.] {\includegraphics[width=3.05in]{./pics/407AOA.jpg}} % bb= \subfigure[\label{fig:f:2}Spaceage Control air data probe.] {\includegraphics[width=3.05in]{./pics/airProbe.jpg}} % bb= \caption{\label{fig:f:plain}}
\noindent \textbf{Vane Type}
Commercial aircraft typically have leading-edge high-lift devices, making the wing leading edge unsuitable for reliable angle of attack (AOA) sensors. The circulation about the wing in high lift configurations necessitates a probe placed far (one or more chord lengths) from the wing to avoid induced flow or complex calibration and correction software. It's common practice to place AOA and angle of sideslip (AOS) vanes on the fuselage, near the nose to avoid measuring wing circulation. Most probes are internally heated due to the need to fly through icing conditions without loss of data.
Nose-mounted air data probes are commonly seen on experimental aircraft during testing. They combine pitot-static systems with AOA/AOS probes, and frequently temperature, humidity, and other sensors into one probe that flies in front of the aircraft, far from interfering wings and the like.
Vane type probes are one of the few types seen in use by RC hobbyists. Tom Harper designed a balsa vane and potentiometer sensor for logging AOA in flight \cite{harper:vane}. Helmut Lelke designed a hall-effect AOA probe for use on his