• Besides conducting sampling of the waters on its journey, what were the main findings from the Challenger voyage?
• What tool was used to do measure the depths of the ocean?
• What are the 2 pieces of equipment used to collect bottom samples on the Challenger?
• What was a newly invented piece of equipment used on the Challenger ship to get water samples called?
Rocky Shore (Lesson 02.04)
• Be able to name the 4 zones of rocky shore
• In which zone of the rocky shore would you most likely find only grasses and patches of lichens?
• What type of animal uses the rocky shore for their ‘feeding’ grounds?
• What is the name of a plant-like species found in rocky shores?
• What is the special adaptation of these organisms found in the rocky shore ecosystem?—to do this, match up the following
(Match the organism with its adaptation)
• Organisms
• Seaweeds
• Limpet
• Barnacles
• Sea squirts
• Adaptations
• Store water during low tide, soft jelly like bodies
• Holdfasts to anchor themselves and slimy mucus
• Muscular foot, cup shaped shell
• Cement to rocks, close their valves so they do not dry out, conical shape
• Think about the organisms that live in the rocky shore and tidal pools—what kinds of adaptations do they have that enable them to survive the pounding waves while staying in place, tidal changes (periods of time covered with water or periods of time with no water), sunlight exposure, evaporation of water that may leave concentrated salts behind, blending in to avoid predators
• What are the physical changes that occur in the rocky shore (3 main ones—think tides, salt content, and wave action)?
• Be able to give basic descriptions of the rocky shore ecosystem areas—to do this, match up the following
(Match the area with its description)
• Area
• Rock pools
• Platform
• Boulder fields
• Description
• flat area of rock,