Day 1 – December 22nd 1872
The ship set sail from Portsmouth, England early yesterday morning and we have been sailing for nearly a whole 24 hours; I’m supposing we’re about 40 degrees north of the equator. It’s a great day for sailing, the water is crystal blue, my hair is gently blowing though the wind, and there’s not a cloud in sight. Today my job was to use the scientific tool, the dredge. A dredge takes samples along the surface of the seafloor while being dragged across the bottom. There was not much luck today finding large organisms other than a few fish, but we brought up some dirt with bugs living inside it. The insects were tiny and seemed to have been feeding on the mud. They looked to be worms with legs.
Day 2- January 1st 1873
Today is my first day off since I’ve boarded the ship. My feelings have not changed since I’ve boarded the ship. I woke up and received a fresh breakfast of cocoa and hard biscuits. We’ve landed at the island of Tristan D’Acunha. It’s a beautiful island with perfect weather conditions. It felt good to finally be back on dry land. Our ship is starting to run out of food so I volunteered to go look for food. The daily activities of the men were fishing, hunting, and looking for food that’s been growing. I was searching for grown food when I came across a spring of fresh water. I knew we were running low on fresh water so I ran back to the ship, brought some help and hauled tons of drinking water to the ship. When we got back the captain had our lunch ready, all we had was fish but there was enough to feed the whole crew.
Day 3- January 24th 1873
This morning I woke up with Malaise; feeling of being unwell. I wasn’t sure why I felt this way but I went down to James Lind to find out what was wrong with me… 2 hours later I woke up from a nap feeling worse than I originally was. Lind figured that I had Scurvy which is caused by a lack of Vitamin C, which makes since because the ship hasn’t had fresh