Throughout history, many powerful empires and dynasties have ruled. Some ruled for hundreds of years, while others lasted for shorter time periods. All of these ruling powers had a great impact on their country’s development. The way they governed their people and kept in power were often very different but they often achieved the same goals. The Han Dynasty, which ruled China from 206 B.C.E. to 220 C.E and the Roman Empire, which was in power from 31B.C.E. to 476 C.E., are two examples of this. The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty had many similarities such as public works and a strong government system, but they also had many differences like their forms of government and how slavery existed in their society.
There are many similarities between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty. For example, both invested greatly in public work projects such as roadways and water treatments systems. The Romans were know for their major public works projects such as aqueduct systems, roads and bridges. The structure they used for their bridges is still to this day referred to as a “Roman Arch” design. The Han Dynasty also invested greatly in public work projects. Under the Han Dynasty, the Great Wall of China was finished. The Great Wall of China is still standing today. The Romans developed a complex aqueduct system and the Han Dynasty developed a complex system of canals. This emphasis on roads and other transportation systems help to unify the vast empires and reduce travel time within them. The strong government systems used by both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty help develop the regions into world powers. Both had strong armies that helped to defend their borders and grow their respective empires. Both controlled similar amounts of land. In the second century C.E., China controlled about 1.5 million square miles of territory and Rome controlled about 1.7 million square miles of territory. The cost of the strong military however, eventually helped lead to the downfall of each empire/dynasty. Both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty had a strong agricultural base. This base allowed them to trade with other areas, giving them a strong economical advantage and also allowed their population to grow.
While the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty had many similarities, they also had many differences. For example Rome was established as a bureaucracy. The Han Dynasty always had an Emperor. Rome often allowed local areas to run themselves with little direction from Rome. The Han Dynasty did not tolerate local authority that did not follow everything that the Emperor said. As a result, Rome tolerated many different languages and cultures under its rule. This lead to a population that had many different beliefs and customs. The Han Dynasty did not tolerate these types of differences and made its population conform to the many of the same beliefs. The Han Dynasty was more unified and highly centralized than the Roman Empire. Rome also greatly relied on slavery to make their Empire run. Rome used slaves for road building, farming and many other activities that allowed Rome to stay in power. China also had slavery but depended on its peasant class for much of the work need for it’s agriculture society.
Though these famous eras changed society in many ways, both of these ruling powers fell. The Fall of the Roman Empire lead Europe into the Dark Ages and dynastys that followed the Han Dynasty never reached the power that the Han Dynasty once held. Though the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty had many similarities and differences, both changed the world.