a. I think Fridman’s overall argument is well supported and accurately explained. I do agree with him because the US has become very backwards in the way we look at people. It does not make any sense for us to celebrate the athletically talented yet, completely disregard and even ridicule the intellectually talented. This country, along with most others, was built by intellectuals, and that is something we all must remember.
2. Compare essay responses 2A (which scored an 8), 2B (which scored a 6), and 2C (which scored a 2). Consider the scoring commentary and rubric provided for you. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each essay?
a. The strengths of 2A are that the writer use very strong, concise language to get their point across. They included quotes and even outside knowledge that contributed to the argument. There are very few weaknesses in this essay. In 2B, the language and vocabulary are not as strong as in 2A. However this essay is still adequate and covers the topics needing to be covered, but not as well as 2A. The author of 2B also discusses football players and partiers in a very stereotypical way, which is just as bad as stereotyping nerds, and I don’t think Fridman intended the readers to think like that. In 2C the writer seems to be rushed and there are many spelling and grammar mistakes. The paragraphs do not seem to flow together and there are many run on sentences. The writer did make good points in their essay but, there were too many mistakes that overruled the good.
3. Compare how all three writers utilized quotes and specific examples in their responses. Based on this comparison, what do you think is the trick in crafting well-developed arguments on these essay questions?
a. I think the quotes were well embedded in 2A and 2B, but were randomly placed in 2C. The placement of these quotes is key to the success of the essay because it makes it flow well. I think the trick in developing good arguments is to use both quotes from the text with the addition of your own thoughts and opinions.
4. What outside knowledge does the writer of 2A seem to bring to his or her essay? What specific knowledge of current affairs, global studies, history, or literature might you be able to use in responding to a question such as this one?
a. The writer of 2A uses the knowledge that the creation of television and radio would not be possible without the “nerds” of the world. General knowledge about the world and the way it works are important to the success of an essay. By using this information, one can strengthen their argument with actual facts. For this particular topic, a writer might be able to use personal experiences with oppression against “nerds” or information about how they or their peers view the “nerds” of the world.