Multiple Choice Test
1. In the sentence "the primary difference between men and women is that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt", the speaker employs all of the following except…
a. Women over exaggerate when it comes to the amount of dirt found.
b. This essay is going to be humorous
c. Women hate men because of the mess they usually make in an area
d. Men are not as aware of dirt in their surroundings.
2. The author's primary purpose is to…
a. Desensitize women
b. Show that men need to start paying closer attention to mess
c. Compare men and women based on subjects they’re sensitive to
d. Sports and dirt equal each other out
3. Which of the following would the author be LEAST likely to encourage?
a. Women should stick to cleaning the house while men watch sports
b. Men should start helping the women clean around the house
c. Women should stop having such high