Unlikeliest Oregonians suddenly insured. By: Nick Budnick. The Oregonian. Pgs. A1 and A9.
Changes in federal state laws bring health coverage to working poor and are already ailing. Bruce Lovan is a member of the working poor. He lives on food stamps. He’s also one of more than 200,000 low income Oregonians who now qualify for the Oregon Health Plan. The state’s version of Medicaid is expanding under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Officials expect the changes to cut the number of uninsured people in half. Applications from 90,000 people who had been on the plan’s waiting list will now be considered. Lovan had received a phone call that the income reported qualified him as a member for the program, which is now based strictly on income. Now he wont have to worry about where he will scrape up $25 for next month insulin along with his syringes and alcohol wipes for his type 2 diabetes.
Political institution/ office holder involved is the federal government since they are under the Affordable Care Act which will initially fund 100 percent of the costs of new enrollees.
Poverty has increased so health plan is needed for a lot of people in order to get by. Funds will need to increase due to the amount of health care needed to provide for the people.
AP Gov. category would be Institutions of National Government, since the federal government is helping with the uninsured Oregonians.
Paulina Zhan
Current event
Oct. 8, 2013. For his next trick: tax reform. By: Harry Esteve and Christian Gaston. The Oregonian. Pgs. A1 and A9.
Kitzhaber, the governor has been holding meetings to rekindle a tax discussion. Working to change its over reliance on income tax, where recent attempts to change the states significant part of the system have failed. Kitzhaber has been working with businesses and labor groups looking to change the common