Intro to Human Geography Field Note: Humans are geographers by nature. They can think territorially or spatially and have an awareness of, and curiosity about the distinctive nature of places. Even children possess qualities of geographers, creating carefully mapped realms in tiny places. Places possess an emotional quality, and we all must belong somewhere. Humans' insatiable curiosity and the place-centered element within us gave birth to geography as an academic discipline. Conquest and commerce generated a need to know about the world and pragmatism was added long ago by traders and explorers. Geography literally means "to describe the Earth," and the practical aspects of geography first arose among the Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, and Phoenicians.
I. What is Human Geography? A. Human Geography: How people make places, how we organize space and society, and how we interact with each other across space B. Globalization: Worldwide integration and development
II.What Are Geographic Questions? A.Physical Geography: The branch of geography concerned with natural features and phenomena of the earth's surface, as landforms, drainage features,climates, soils, and vegetation.
B.Spatial: Existing or occurring in space
C.Spatial Distribution: The arrangement of a phenomenon across space
D.Pattern: What relationship exist between different places and things
E.Medical Geography: The distribution of a disease
F.Pandemic: An epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region (sometimes spread up to worldwide)
G.Epidemic: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. H.Spatial Perspective: A method used in geography to identify, predict and explain the physical and human patterns in space I.Location: Geographical position
J.Location Theory: An element of contemporary human geography that seeks answers to a wide range of questions-some theoretical,