Main issue:
The main problem in the case of AP Technologies Ltd is that the only 25 per cent of the software service projects were completed within 20 percent of planned costs and schedule, where as the project is expected to be completed within 20 per cent of planned cost and schedules.
Where as the short term issue that was mentioned in the case is regarding the delay in the completion of the project to a client.
The micro issue the company has been facing is an important situation and which needs an immediate attention as it may lead to decrease in goodwill of the company among the other client groups also. It would also effect the profitability of the business as the un addressed current issue may lead to delay in schedules of other projects, which intern leads to dissatisfaction of the clients. Inability of the company to make the client to repeat the business would lead to the decrease in the profitability of the company.
The controllable variables in the project execution are the people, quality, requirements and schedules and the uncontrollable variables is the performance of the technology ERP.
The parties