Indentured Servants
People who came to America and was placed under contract to work for another over a period of time, especially during the 17th and 19th centuries (ex. redemptioners, victims of religious or political persecution, people kidnapped, convicts and paupers)
Proprietary, Royal, Charter Colonies
Proprietary colony: any of certain colonies, as Maryland and Pennsylvania, that were granted to an individual group by the British crown and that were granted full rights of self-government
Royal colony: a colony, as New York, administered by a royal governor and council appointed by the British crown, and having a representative assembly elected by the people
Charter colony: a colony, as Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island, chartered to an individual, trading company, etc., by the British crown
Pilgrims: a person who journeys, esp. a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion
Separatists: a person who separates, withdraws, or secedes, as from an established church
Trade and Navigation Acts
A series of laws which restricted the use of foreign shipping for trade between England and its colonies, started in 1651
Peter Zenger trial
He printed a document that criticized William Cosby, the Governor of New York; shortly afterwards, Cosby had Zenger arrested on a charge of seditious libel; later found innocent of the seditious libel
House of Burgesses
The elected lower house in the legislative assembly in the New Worldestablished in the Colony of Virginia in 1619
Mayflower Compact
The first governing document of Plymouth Colony, written by the colonists
King Phillip's War
An armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day southern New England and English colonists and their Native American allies from 1675–1676.
Anne Hutchinson
A pioneer settler in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Netherlands and the unauthorized minister of