Dia Flint Sept.16, 2013 1st period
John Rolfe: husband of Pocahontas. He was killed by Powhatans in a surprise raid in 1622. He devoted much of his new world life to perfecting a saleable form of tobacco.
Disease: main destroyer of Indian people and cultures. Epidemics of measles and smallpox totally destroyed some Indian groups.
Tobacco: main cash crop of Virginia. It was bad in that it ruined the soil, tied the economy to the price of one crop, promoted the use of many acres of large plantations and thus a need for lots of new labor, and as a consequence, slavery.
Jamestown Africans: 1619 was the first recorded incident of Africans being sold in Virginia. Their status as slave, servant, or free is unknown.
Lord Baltimore: founded Maryland in 1634 for financial gain and as a refuge for Catholics.
Maryland Colony: started in 1634 by 200 settlers .It was envisioned as a Catholic feudal domain at the start. Catholics ended up being greatly outnumbered by Protestants.
Indentured servants: poor people from England who would have someone pay for their passage to America and work for a number of years as their servant there to pay off their debt.
Maryland’s Acts of Toleration: passed in 1649, guaranteed toleration to all Christian but death to those who didn’t believe in Christ’s divinity.
Oliver Cromwell: military leader of the Parliamentary side in the English Civil war, served as Lord Protector after the parliamentarians won.
Charles the II: son of Charles I was restored to the throne in 1660. Carolina was named after him.
Carolinas: founded in 1870 by the 8 Lord proprietors. Carolina prospered by strong economic ties with the West Indies.
North Carolina: was more democratic than aristocratic and separated from Carolina in 1712.
Rice: emerged as a principal export crop of the Carolinas,