ID’s/ Objective Questions
1) The English Civil War- The English Civil War took place during the years 1642-1646. The English Civil War was the conflict between King Charles I of England and a large body of his subjects, generally called the “parliamentarians,” that culminated in the defeat and execution of the king and the establishment of a republican commonwealth. The parliamentary army’s leader, Oliver Cromwell, during the so-called Commonwealth period ruled. But after his death Parliament decided to restore the monarchy if Charles I’s son and heir, Charles II agreed to restrictions on his authority. 2) James, Duke of York- James II was Charles II’s younger brother and he quickly benefited from his brother’s generosity. In 1644, Charles gave James the region between the Connecticut and Delaware Rivers, including the Hudson Valley and Long Island. James immediately organized an invasion fleet. In August, James’s warships anchored off Manhattan Island and demanded New Netherlands’s surrender. Thus James had acquired a heterogeneous possession, which he renamed New York. 3) Quakers- Quakers are members of the Society of Friends. The new, small sect rejected earthly and religious hierarchies. Quakers believed that anyone could be saved by directly receiving God’s “inner light” and that all people were equal in God’s sight. Quakers allowed anyone, male or female, to speak in meetings or become a “public friend” and travel to spread God’s word. Many did not welcome Quakers and they were very much persecuted, and some were even hanged for preaching the Quaker doctrine. And finally in 1681, they obtained their own colony, given to them by Charles II. It was located between Maryland and New York; it was given to William Penn, one of his good friends and a prominent member of the sect. 4) William Penn- William Penn was a prominent member of the Quaker sect. Penn was given land so that he could establish a colony by his good