United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination
Ch. 4
Title: Imperial Wars And Colonial Protest, 1754-1774
Important Ideas from Empires at War
← In both King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War, the English launched expeditions to capture Quebec but they failed.
← King Georges War involved the British Colonies, the French and the Spanish.
← The final war began in the colonies and spread to Europe.
← Britain prevailed and introduced a new imperial policy.
Section Summary:
← Great Britain, France, and Spain were at work during the late 17th century.
← These wars occurred intermittently over a 74-year period from 1689 to 1763.
Important Ideas …show more content…
Section Summary: ← The differences in religion lead to the forming of new colonies
← The New England Confederation was formed but sometime after King Phillip’s War
Important Ideas from Restoration Colonies
← The land for The Carolinas was granted to 8 nobles for their efforts to gain the throne.
← To strengthen his holdings Charles II gave the dutch land in the Americas to his brither which is now known as new york
← The land west of New Jersey was settled by Quakers who were heavily persecuted for their beliefs.
← William Penn received land has debt to his father and used it to provide refuge to Quakers and later allowed the lower three counties of Pennsylvania to be a separate colony known as Delaware
← The final colony of Georgia was added as a simple way for the colonies to protect themselves from Spanish Florida.
Section Summary:
← More colonies were made to fit the diversity of the population.
← The colonies were also used to give lower class people from Europe another chance at life.
Important Ideas from Mercantilism and the Empire
← The next step for the colonies was to begin the building of the