Ting Chen
Brendan Foley
Liz Filachek
Caylea Barone Question 1:
Thesis: At the beginning of the postclassical era, the Catholic Church was the only stabilizing institution left after the fall of Rome. Throughout the postclassical era, the Catholic Church had to compete with secular groups, other religions, and its own corruption to emerge as the dominant authority in Western Europe (as the Pope became the most powerful man in
Europe) at the end of postclassical era by asserting its divine authority, acting as the gatekeeper to salvation for all people, securing alliances with other states, and collecting alms. 476 when Rome falls, church takes on administrative functions 496 Clovis converts Franks to christianity shows relative weakness did make Church stronger though as Church finally gained an ally 604 Gregory the Great > ally with Franks shows relative weakness allowed protection against Lombards integration of illiterate people (most people) into the mass with gregorian chants helps expand Christianity and make it more attractive to peasants gets land for church through alms giving because no money to give church owns 35% of land in Europe 714 Charles Martel → Frankish king who expanded in Germany and converted them
began hereditary hierarchy in warrior elite and creates fiefdoms 800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor (shows relative weakness) = protection for Pope against Orthodox Church (iconoclastic crisis = challenges popes authority), zenith of
Islam, Roman magnates, and Lombards
He creates the feudal order with its hierarchy, decentralized character, and rival centers of power
Monks and priests are the literate people so they write and interpreted the contracts and the church enforced them, contracts hold together feudal order Church has administrative power over Holy Roman Empire priests have secular and religious power beginning of corruption Other