The first theme this movie relates to would be number 5; Cultural, intellectual, and religious developments, …show more content…
Patterns and effects of interactions among societies and regions: trade, war, diplomacy, and international organization. Everyone was already against the New Queen, and when I mean everyone I mean other countries and even people in England. People were already setting her up for failure; they thought she was going to fall. Elizabeth didn’t have any other countries support when she started out. Even the bishops are against the Queen they weren’t afraid of her and didn’t expect her to survive. Mary of Guise was already building up and army and planning on attacking while they were still weak. The choice was made and they are going to fight, once told to get together an army the Queen finds out that children are being sent into battle. Kids should never have been sent to fight, and after that mistake you would have to think everyone in England was feeling foolish, and the views of the other countries have shifted. In life it’s always the survival of the fittest, only the strong will survive. During this time in England’s history they were anything but strong. They were weak, and vulnerable, the perfect target. Relations between The King of Spain Philip worsened with years of political and religious agendas clashing, Philip planned on invading England and with the execution of the Queen of Scots gave him incentive. He sent a fleet against England but the English defeated him, proving a woman could handle war as well as a man. “My mortal foe can wish me no greater loss than England's hate. Neither should death be less welcome unto me than such a mishap betide me”- Queen