APA stands for American Psychological Association. APA was founded in 1892 and it is considered a leading organization that supports psychology as a science. APA’s main goal is to apply what is learned from psychological perspective in order to improve society and the general public in a beneficial way.
Go to: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html Read “In-Text Citations: The Basics.”
2. What method of in-text citation does APA format use?
The method of in-text citation that APA format uses is whenever the author and date method. Whenever an article is quoted, one must properly cite the author’s last name and the year the material was published. However, if you …show more content…
What should you do if you are paraphrasing an idea from another work?
If you are paraphrasing an idea from another work, you must properly cite the work that used in an in-text citation. The author’s last name and date of the publication must be cited, but it is optional to include the page number.
4. What information do you need in parentheses if you are directly quoting from a work?
The information that is need in a parentheses is the author’s last, the year of publication and the page number. You can also make a statement by introducing the author’s last name first and then the publication date in parentheses, after the sentence, then page number is placed.
5. How long is a “long quotation,” and how would you format it?
A long quotation can range from 40 words or more in which quotation marks are not necessary. The page layout should be double-spaced. It is said to indent form the left a ½ inch margin, place the full quote and indent every first line of the quote. It could be cited in two ways as usual, by introducing or including the Author’s last name, date of publication and page number.
6. Pick a short quotation from the article you read and create a sentence with a sample in-text