Student Name Here
Walden University
This is the abstract, which is typed in block format with no indentation. It is a brief summation of your paper and should be 120 words or less. It should be accurate and concise. Your abstract should also be written in a self-contained way so people reading only your abstract would fully understand the content and the implications of your paper. It may be helpful to write this section last when you have collected all the information in your paper. See section 2.04 APA for helpful tips and for more information on writing abstracts.
Title of the Paper
Do not add any extra spaces between your heading and your text (check Spacing under Format, Paragraph in your word processor, and make sure that it’s set to 0”)—just double space as usual, indent your work a full ½ inch (preferably using the tab button), and start typing. Your introduction should receive no specific heading because it is assumed that your first section is your introduction section.
Once you’ve considered these formatting issues, you will need to construct a thesis statement, something that lets your reader know how you synthesized the literature into a treatise that is capable of advancing a new point of view. This statement will then provide your reader with a lens for understanding the forthcoming research you’ve decided to present in the body of your essay (after all, each piece of literature should support and be made applicable to this thesis statement). Once you’ve established your thesis, you can then begin constructing your introduction. An easy template is as follows:
1. Start with what’s been said/done regarding your topic of interest.
2. Explain the problem with what’s been said or done.
3. Offer your solution, your thesis statement (one that can be supported by the literature).
4. Explain how your thesis brings about social change.
Level 1 Heading
This will be the beginning of
References: (Please note that the following references should NOT appear in your paper) Alexander, G., & Bonaparte, N. (2008). My way or the highway that I built. Ancient Dictators, 25(7), 14-31. doi:10.8220/CTCE.52.1.23-91 Babar, E. (2007). The art of being a French elephant. Adventurous Cartoon Animals, 19, 4319-4392. Retrieved from Bumstead, D. (2009). The essentials: Sandwiches and sleep. Journals of Famous Loafers, 5, 565-582. doi:12.2847/CEDG.39.2.51-71 Hansel, G., & Gretel, D. (1973). Candied houses and unfriendly occupants. Thousand Oaks, CA: Fairy Tale Publishing. Hera, J. (2008). Why Paris was wrong. Journal of Greek Goddess Sore Spots, 20(4), 19-21. Laureate, Education, Inc. (Producer). (2007). How to cite a video: The city is always Baltimore [DVD]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Sinatra, F. (2008). Zing! Went the strings of my heart. Making Good Songs Great, 18(3), 31-32. Retrieved from http:///articlesextollingrecordingsofyore.192/ Smasfaldi, H., Wareumph, I., Aeoli, Q., Rickies, F., Furoush, P., Aaegrade, V., … Fiiel, B. (2005). The art of correcting surname mispronunciation. New York, NY: Supportive Publisher Press. Retrieved from White, S., & Red, R. (2001). Stop and smell the what now? Floral arranging for beginners (Research Report No. 40-921). Retrieved from University of Wooded Glen, Center for Aesthetic Improvements in Fairy Tales website: http://www.uwg.caift/~40_921.pdf