Premises: (Name of Property) (Address of Property)
Commencement Date:
The Commencement Date shall be (Start Date) (or as required). The Term of the Management Agreement shall be Two (2) YEAR from the Commencement Date. Commercial Properties / Residential Properties 5% of the gross monthly revenues.
Management Fee:
Insurance Coverage:
Low cost insurance coverage as a part of the company program policy may be 30-45% lower than individual rates. The Client shall have the option of terminating the contract with Sixty (60) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE to the Management Company. Photocopying Services: Mail outs, such as Notices, Rental Increases, and Assessment letters Delivery Charges: Mail outs as above and Courier Services. Administration Charges: Advertising, long distance charges, credit and reference checks. All costs to be at market rates plus GST with no additional mark up. All parties acknowledge that the financial terms of this proposal and the contents hereof are strictly confidential and covenants not to disclose or allow disclosure of the same to any third party.
Additional Charges:
Property Management Proposal
Range of Services:
Management and Administration of: a) b) c) d) e) Provide active leasing program in order to fully lease/rent the property. Provide active supervision of Caretakers and all site staff. Lawn and general grounds maintenance Cleaning, painting, staining and general maintenance and repair of the property Snow removal: Cleaning and maintenance of roadways, curbs and sidewalks, and conducting regular and frequent inspections to ensure delivery of these services All contracts approved by the Landlord/Owner Sending out delinquency notices for rent arrears as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. 1 Day in Arrears, A personal telephone call or personal contact is made to the tenant. 2 Days in Arrears, a reminder notice is sent to the tenant. 3 Days in Arrears, an
References: (Available upon Request) Property Management Proposal 11