Zeus is an extremely powerful god who is known as the god of the sky and the ruler of heaven (Parada: Zeus). Zeus is also the father of Aphrodite and he was aware that Aphrodite would cause gods and goddesses to fall in love with mortals (Atsma). So Zeus decided to get back at Aphrodite for continually doing this to multiple gods and goddesses and he made Aphrodite fall in love with a mortal man named Anchises (Atsma). Aphrodite and Anchises eventually had two children together named Aeneias and Lyros, but Anchises was not to discuss his relationship with Aphrodite (Atsma). Anchises one day became intoxicated and told about his love with Aphrodite which led to Zeus killing him with the power of his thunderbolt (Atsma). This story is another way that a god used love to be
Zeus is an extremely powerful god who is known as the god of the sky and the ruler of heaven (Parada: Zeus). Zeus is also the father of Aphrodite and he was aware that Aphrodite would cause gods and goddesses to fall in love with mortals (Atsma). So Zeus decided to get back at Aphrodite for continually doing this to multiple gods and goddesses and he made Aphrodite fall in love with a mortal man named Anchises (Atsma). Aphrodite and Anchises eventually had two children together named Aeneias and Lyros, but Anchises was not to discuss his relationship with Aphrodite (Atsma). Anchises one day became intoxicated and told about his love with Aphrodite which led to Zeus killing him with the power of his thunderbolt (Atsma). This story is another way that a god used love to be