Of late the trend has been to follow whatever is done in the west and it is becoming a sort of in-thing to be doing it. Is it due to liberalization of economy that we are also attempting to liberalize our life style.
Indians have started aping the west completely and the western influences can be clearly seen in our behavior, culture, attire and even language. Though to say, we are an independent nation but instead of promoting our culture, we are aping the west and one would feel that we are still under a foreign rule.
For sake of argument, let us say this is so. Then, why not also follow the west in the matter of discipline and work culture instead of merely picking up all those habits which would not help in taking us forward. Some may describe this copying specially of festivals like Valentine's Day or whatever other day maybe there as keeping up with the time. That is fine. But, what about matters like dedicated to one's work or keeping to the schedule as is the case in most of the western nations. Why not follow such examples too. In fact many of the TV programmes too are being copied from the west. Can't we think something original and suited to the Indian tastes. One good trend that has of course been noticeable is in the film industry where the latest films are being focused on the emerging life styles and how western culture is seeping into ours. Hopefully, the message would go across and a positive result comes out of it.
Coming to the point, majority of Indians have turned out to be figure conscious and it is mainly the female gender which gossips about their vital statistics more than their counterparts. This shows that in the recent few years the western culture has indeed slowly influenced the minds of the Indians through various factors, one being the beauty pageants which have played a major part in revolutionizing the mentality of the Indian society. The female centric ads are another major