Prime Minister Kevin Rudd starts the speech with a few honorable words about the Indigenous peoples of Australia and that Australia reflects on their past mistreatment, especially the Stolen Generation. Rudd says that it is now time to righting the wrongs and move forward. Australia apologize for the successive governments that have continued with the laws and policies about the aboriginals and that they especially are sorry for the removal of the Aboriginal children from their homes, and for the pain of both the children and the families it has cost. The Parliament of Australia apologizes for the indignity and request accepts of the apology, so a step into a new future can be taken; a future that embraces all Australians and were the injustices of the past must never happen again. Rudd talks about a future where the gap between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous should be closed and ends the speech by saying he would like a future based on mutual respect and responsibility and where all Australians, whatever their origins, are truly equal.
This speech is well set out with a clear composition and also a clear line between the opening, body and the closing. The first 30 seconds of a speech are most important, it’s here where the speaker needs to grab the audience’s attentions, and create an engagement and interest to what one is going to speak about.
Kevin Rudd is giving an intro in 6 lines which lasts exact 30 seconds. He starts out mentioning positive words about the indigenous people of Australia:
“Today we honor the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.” It brings a kind of proud feeling in both Australians and the indigenous people. In the 30 minutes of speech he managed to mention all the main point in his speech.
1. The Australians need to think about what happened in the past
2. That the parliaments of Australia feel very sorry about the past