The Use of Apple Extract/Juice as a Disappearing Ink
The purpose of my study is to test if apple extract/juice can be used as a disappearing ink
The following are the procedures used to make a disappearing ink using the apple extract. The following are the materials; Q-tip, paper, apple juice and a Candle (any source of heat will work, ex. lamp, iron, oven). Begin by pouring a bit of the apple juice into a bowl. Use a q-tip, toothpick, or a paintbrush to write your message on the paper. Let the paper dry thoroughly. This will take about an hour.
To decode the message, you will need to heat up the paper. The best way to do this is with a candle. Hold the paper over the candle until the words become visible. The words will become a brown color as they are heated up.
The result of my study is that apple extract/juice can be used to make a disappearing ink.
Based from the date gathered, the following conclusions were drawn: It works because the apple juice oxidizes in the air. Heating it causes that process to speed up. The juice will turn brown on its own in time.
Chapter 1
Problem and Its Background
Apples are obtained from the medium sized tree belonging to the rosaceae family. Scientific name: Malus domestica. The apple tree is originated in the mineral rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan, and is now being cultivated in many parts of the world.
Apple fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Sliced apple turns brown on exposure to air due to conversion in iron form from ferrous oxide to ferric oxide.
Background of the Study
Juice extracted from the apple is used to make invisible ink. Since apples oxidizes when exposed to air turning the color of the juice on paper to brown, heating it up makes the process faster.
Statement of the Problem/Objectives
Problem # 1: Can we use apple juice extract as an invisible ink?
Alternative Hypothesis: