Apple Company responsibility and Strategies
Chelsea Armstrong-Mitchell
Contemporary Business
October 26 2014
Corporate responsibilities and Marketing strategies
In the eyes of many Apple is the best and the head of the the best technical device known as the Iphone or Ipad and Ipods. Apple Inc is also known for a world-wide usage of these technologies because of the value of their products. With that being said, this is the one of the key reasons why Apple’s sales volume is so high and they are so effective with sales their product. Apple’s position is clear. Apple Inc mission is to guarantee that it remains socially responsible in the community which also help them in persuading of the many suppliers which work with Apple to comply to their socially ethic and issues. Apple’s clearly states within supplier code of conduct their employees are empowered and provided with safe and ethical working conditions. This is simply in place so that their code goes surpast the standard of industry. This show the success rate for the company fuure, and Apple has been very success using these satndards. Apple stands by their products which has a large influence on its existence within the local communities they serve . Apple takes a conscious effort in reducing a damaging effect on the environment which are apart of the ethical policies and procedures from Apple. In Apple’s mission it articulates the companies commitment in fulfilling corporate social responsibility activities, besides Apple providing state-of-the-art products to the customers.
In all companies corporate social responsibility is an important within holding a successful company. This is esstenial to building and enhancing the reputation of a company. This shows society as well as the community in which the company resides in that the company doesn’t have the sole purpose of just producing profits but also aims to serve the community, support and have a positive
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