When I became interested in computer science, one of the areas that intrigued me the most was that of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI was futuristic back when I first attended college and the ideas that surrounded it seemed unattainable and unrealistic. Today the development of AI has been achieved and continues to grow and expand into new uses.…
The use of technology has always been vital to the life and survival of the human race. Ever since the Neanderthals utilized wooden tools to hunt and cook 500,000 years ago, humans have been fascinated with developing the next cutting edge technology or invention. In 1955, John McCarthy used a term called artificial intelligence, and defined it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". Over the last 60 years with the inventions of computers, cell phones, and the internet, artificial intelligence has become prominent in the news and in mainstream media. Today, the phrase is a hot topic, not just in tech circles, but around the globe, as many experts believe the ensuing breakthrough will come through A.I.…
Artificial intelligence is a complex subject that requires some background information to fully understand. One of the earliest definitions of "true" artificial intelligence was proposed by Alan Turing with the Turing Test. The idea behind this test was to have a human ask both a computer and a human a series of questions and then see if the tester could tell which was the computer. The AI did not necessarily need to answer all the questions correctly, it just had to give an answer similar to that a human would give. The test would also be done via text so that the computer would not have problems with mimicking human speech. Very few AIs have passed the test with the first occurring in 2012 as it was judged to be human 52 percent of the time. The other major factor in determining a true artificial intelligence was the Chinese Room Experiments by John Searle as an expansion of the Turing Test. In this experiment, Searle wanted to test whether an intelligence was actually interpreting language or just…
Within the realm of Artificial Intelligence there are several secs which are responsible for making up that which is A.I. Normally when an individual thinks of Artificial Intelligence a few things come to mind such as the HAL 9000 system, known as “the inimitable star of the classic Kubrick and Clarke film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’”(Picard 2001), others will think of the movie “Blade Runner”, this film featured an alternate future where a group of individuals were responsible for tracking down cyborg humans known as “Sims” which were so human like they actually were unaware that they weren’t actually humans (Scott, Fancher et al. 2007). These films come to mind because until the late 2000’s this was the closest we ever got to Artificial Intelligence…
This paper investigates and provides factual research on Mr. Herbert Simon and his contributions to the founding of Artificial Intelligence. Herbert A. Simon was one of the founding fathers of artificial intelligence. Simon, who, along with Allen Newell and J.C. Shaw, wrote the first AI program in 1956, received many honors in his lifetime, including the Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 1978. Simon was a true renaissance man. He researched human decision-making and problem-solving processes and the implications of those processes for social institutions.…
All research regarding artificial intelligence should continue, because advanced AI can provide sufficient assistance for people struggling with difficult tasks. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. We will prove that the continuation and furtherance of AI research are necessary.…
“The goal of many computer scientists since the mid-20th century has been to create a computer that could perform logical operations.”(Bowles, 2010, 9.2). The journey to achieving this is called Artificial Intelligence, which is considered to be the branch of computer science that is focused on creating machines that engage in human behavior, and intelligence. “The term Artificial Intelligence was first coined at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956 by John McCarthy.” (McCorduck, 2004, 2.5). “The Dartmouth conference paved the way for examining the use of computers to process symbols, the need for new languages and the role of computers for theorem proving instead of focusing on hardware that simulated intelligence.”(Krishnamoorthy & Rajeev, 1996, 9.1). Even though this name was coined in 1956, we saw artificial intelligence 15 years earlier when the electronic computer was created in 1941.…
The first step in getting anywhere with this debate must begin with defining what artificial intelligence is exactly. Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage in the human behaviors of intelligence.…
Artificial Intelligence is the study of computer software that are capable exhibiting intelligent behavior. It was produced from the study of cybernetics and cognitive simulation. The main goals in the field of Artificial intelligence is general intelligence which includes statistical methods, computational intelligence, computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and neuroscience.…
In other words, artificial intelligence is “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs” (McCartney, Basic Questions). It also involves “various kinds of knowledge representation schemes, different techniques of intelligent search, various methods for resolving uncertainty of data and knowledge and different schemes for automated machine learning” (Rios, para. 13).…
What is Artificial Intelligence? This is an age old question and the answer lies in the eyes of the beholder. The dictionary’s definition of Artificial Intelligence states that AI is “The ability of a computer or other machine to perform actions thought to require intelligence. Among these actions are logical deduction and inference, creativity, the ability to make decisions based on past experience or insufficient or conflicting information, and the ability to understand spoken language.” (dictionary.com). Artificial Intelligence seems to have come the farthest through the field of Robotics. The earliest known robot invention was in 1495, a robotic man devised by Leonardo da Vinci. (http://www.used-robots.com/robot-education.php?page=robot+timeline). From this one creation the human race has devised numerous robots throughout history with the single thought of making robots have the ability to think and behave as a human, Artificial Intelligence. Throughout this paper we will be taking a journey through the numerous robots created as well as the advancements made in robotic technology and Artificial Intelligence.…
Artificial Intelligence or AI for short, is a combination of computer science, physiology, and philosophy. AI is a broad topic, consisting of different fields, from machine vision to expert systems. The element that the fields of AI have in common is the creation of machines that can think.…
Artificial intelligence or Al for short capability of a computer to perform functions that is normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning or self-improvement. Its concept requests a lot more than present information to the user; it requires that the machine is not only able to store and manipulate information but also to deal with its "meaning". AI is what we call understanding, a combination of computer science, physiology and philosophy. The element that the fields of Al have in common is the creation of machines that can "think". In order to classify machines as "thinking", it is necessary to define intelligence. To what level does intelligence consist of, for example, solving complex problems, or making generalizations and relationships; and what about perception and comprehension? A lot of researches are made about creating systems which can mimic human thought, understand speech, beat the best human chess player, and countless other feats never before possible. Find out how the military is applying AI logic to its hi-tech systems, and how in the near future Artificial Intelligence may impact our lives. One of the most challenging approaches facing experts is building systems that mimic the behavior of the human brain, made up of billions of neurons, and arguably the most complex matter in the universe. Perhaps the best way to gauge the intelligence of a machine is British computer scientist Alan Turing's test. He stated that a computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human. Artificial Intelligence has come a long way from its early roots, driven by dedicated researchers. The beginnings of Al reach back before electronics. But philosophers and mathematicians such as Boole and others are theorizing on principles that were used as the foundation of Al Logic had known how to make the difference. Al really began to intrigue researchers with the invention of the computer in…
These machines and computers are designed to compute items and solve issues, as a person would do. They apply logic and execute their duties as a human would. While the machines do not have IQ's they can think' and logically solve a problem as well as a human. Most of the time, these machines or computers do it faster than a human could and as time goes on, and with the technology that the world is developing it is possible that one day a computer will be fast enough and logical enough to out think a human.…
Artificial Intelligence is playing an important role in today’s world and in the future. “Evidence of Artificial Intelligence folklore can be trace back to Egypt, but with the development of the electronic computer in 1941, the technology finally became available to create machine intelligence. Its short modern history, advancements in the field of AI have been slower than first estimated, progress continued to be made. From its birth 4 decades ago, there have been a variety of AI programs and they have impacted other technological advancements.” (The History of Aritificial Intelligence)…