Ton Jones
Strayer University
Kiran Chittargi
November 26, 2011
Problems and Exercises: 1. Identify whether each characteristic listed below generally belongs to a file-based system or to a database system. * High cost of development - Database * Generally designed to be used with a single system or application - File-based * Greater data privacy concerns - Database * Controlled redundancy - Database * Suboptimal performance for shared use by multiple systems - File-based * Tends to be slower - Database * Data formats are flexible - Database * Identifying data elements is relatively quick and straightforward - File-based * Designed to support current requirements - File-based * Higher training costs - Database * Records are linked to related requirements - Database * Rigorous design standards - Database * Optimized single application processing speed - File-based * Tendency towards data redundancy - File-based * Increased vulnerability - Database * Data storage is built around the hub of the information system - File-based * “Silo” effect - Database * Scalable - Database
2. Are there any situations where a traditional file-based system might be chosen instead? Explain your answer.
Yes, there are situations where a traditional file-based system might be chosen. One example would be for files that are consistently updated and changed. We use file-based systems to house our ACL files. We do this because the ACL’s for different applications need to be updated on a daily to weekly basis and it is much easier to use a file system approach than to store them in a database. We also tftp these ACL files to our network gear which is not possible from a normal database. Using the file-based approach we can control the changes