proper teaching based on the scientific method (Kearney, 2015).
ABA approach has been widely used with children with autism spectrum and other problems of development disorders. It is intended to change behavior, increasing, maintaining and generating (teaching), generalizing (spreading), restricting, reducing or eliminating behaviors (Woolfolk, 2014). In the behavior modification treatment techniques and procedures are ways to reorganize an individual environment to help it work better in society. These therapeutic approaches can also be used to help the child to handle things like a change in the schedule, changes in its environment or other things that may be difficult for them to handle the situation without support (Alberto & Troutman, 2012). ABA may reduce the chances of these situations trigger behavioral problems.
According to Kearney (2015) to propose a program of behavior modification in place, it is necessary to follow certain steps.
The first thing to do is to identify the problem behavior. Then, the dimensions of the problem behavior are established objectively. What is the frequency or intensity is observed undesirable behavior? The next step is to carry out analysis of contingencies. What controls the behavior? Then, we proceed to establish terminal behavior, which sets out the target behavior. Finally, select the appropriate procedure to follow. What is the most appropriate procedure to produce desired characteristics …show more content…
In order to implement a program of Applied Behavioral Analysis described below a situation of conduct in 5 year old children’s class:
Description of the problem In the classroom, the teacher monitors the tasks of Evans be incomplete, she asks finish. Evans ignores the teacher’s request and going to play in the block area with Daniel, who incites him to disobey it. The teacher calls his attention and send him again to do his homework. The annoying child asks: why? The teacher orders him “because it is your obligation”. In the presence of a third person (the arrival of another father) Evans adopts conduct unusual (he jumps like rabbit) on the floor and insists that allow it to play with the blocks. The teacher, patiently, tells him that he goes to the reading area and pick up a book. Evans answers No! for not letting him play with the blocks.
The teacher tries to take him to writing area, and insists on asking for to complete the task. The teacher provides a threat, “if you do not complete your obligations, you will not go to outside. The child emphatic yells “No!”, and runs around the classroom. The teacher tries to persuade him to stop, there is no success. The teacher orders to stop and Evans still running, enjoying and laughing to see the teacher angry. Finally, the child stops and responds to the teacher “you are not in charge”. There is no response on the part of the teacher, she shows exhaustion and fatigue, and insists that the task is complete. At the playground time, the teacher comes out with the whole group of children to outside.
Identification of the problem behavior Disobedience. Disrespect. There is no study habits and school accountability. Imitation of inappropriate models from peers. There is no respect for the authority figure. If the child feels that occupies the same place as the teacher, or he has the same rights will not case to indications given by it. When the teacher streamlines with Evans giving explanations, insisting with impatience, creates a wear both physical and emotional. It is easier for a child to learn based on the consequences of their decisions and actions (responsibility), especially when it is in age to understand the commands that will give you. Recognize who have the authority and learn to respect it when they are satisfied with what they are told and is not only a threat momentary.
Analysis of contingencies Obedience. If the child wants something must win, if he doesn't get consequences of not obeying, either do not play with blocks, not going to the park, or not to go to football. If then moved out to the park as a sign of tiredness and obstinacy, already know what to do to obtain smooth exits. Award not won converts to the teacher in a reinforcing negative. In which case, this negative reinforcement promotes the increase and reaffirms the inappropriate conduct, producing an erroneous message that doing the inappropriate are obtained the things desired.
Conduct goal Provide the child with the capacity for reflection on whether it is or not the prize. Especially in a level of thought is logical deductive.
Appropriate procedure
Promote respect for authority.
Respect is a value and as such, it is necessary to teach through example and it should be an initial work in the parents. Then try to modify this important feature in the school and the teacher. Provide aid, diminishing it progressively. Use the positive reinforcements.
Positive reinforcement. Respect and good communication between teacher and student should be the beginning of positive changes in behavior. Uses positive strategies, not punitive or negative, that allows them to children process what they were taught. Facilitate their development, helping you to acquire a high degree of independence and the highest quality of life.
Routine and study habits. Establish, continuously, a place and fixed schedule. Consider the environment to promote and stimulate the desire to study. Breaks down the different skills in small separate tasks (e.g. Language: Repeat-draw-imitate). Check the disturbed behaviors and self-stimulatory to achieve learning. Teach a sub-skill until it is dominated. Allow the practice repeated over a defined period of time. Therefore, our final goal is to achieve autonomy and quality of life, for both the children and their families, providing advice to parents, family members and people close to the child with regard to their development and