tests is a widely debated topic it is highly important to discuss. With all of the testing students are put through in education today, is Standardized Testing helping education in the United States? Although Standardized Testing is practiced all over the United States and seen as a way to improve schools, these tests should no longer be continued in schools as the tests are being misused, the preparation for these high-stakes testing is a waste of learning time for students, and the tests are inconsistent.
One of the drawbacks that standardized testing has is the misuse of the tests itself in many different ways, which affects students and teachers. For example, James Popham, an Emeritus Professor In the UCLA Graduate School and Information Studies, Examines the many misuses of Standardized Tests today. He states, ““A third inappropriate use of standardized tests arises when teachers try to use results of such tests to grade students.” (par. 21). Using these tests results as a way to grade students is inappropriate, affecting the students the most with these actions, degrade and confuse students as these standards do not match up with state curriculum. As these tests do not match up with state standards, standardized testing does not help our education system because these tests do not help students learn and understand the curriculum of their state. The most these tests do is confuse and introduce new topics to students that haven't even been taught in the classroom. Also, In this article by James Popham discussing the Uses and Misuses of these Standardized Tests, Using these tests to make classroom
decisions is talked about. According to Popham, “Teachers try to use the tests or students tests scores to make day-to-day classroom decisions.”(par. 18). Teachers using these scores to plan decisions in the classroom is wrong and should not be allowed. One publisher states, “a test's content should not be used to decide which instructional objectives should be taught at a given grade level"(Popham, Par. 25). These tests are designed for specific purposes but are misused by many schools and teachers. James Popham, again discusses misuses of these Standardized Tests and talks about appraising a teacher based on their students test scores on Standardized Tests, According to Popham, “It is certainly unsound to use such tests to appraise an individual teacher” (Popham, p.22) These tests are not made for the purpose of evaluating teachers, one cannot look at a group of students result from one year or another and conclude if that teacher is doing his/her job correctly, A teacher can have a very advanced group of students one year and a completely opposite group of children the next. These tests were not made for this purpose but are being misused, It is important to use these tests for their sole purposes and not misuse them. Using these tests inappropriately do not help education, they merely slow it down and that is why it is important for these tests to be stopped. Most Standardized Tests are being misused in education today, The purposes of these tests are not being practiced and are being misused as spoken about above, we as students are taking these tests and the scores are being used for many other things that do not have anything to do with common state standards, therefore they are not helping us in any way. Standardized Testing does not help with America’s education, just slows it down. Another drawback to Standardized Testing is the preparation and time spent on getting ready for these tests. For example, Connie Zitlow, Former english and music teacher and Professor Emeritus at Ohio Wesleyan University, discusses the negative side of standardized testing and focuses on the preparation for these tests in the classrooms. She states, “Increasingly aware of how harmful a test-driven curriculum can be, as we confront the disturbing and real conclusion that increased efforts to raise standardized tests scores come at the expense of more meaningful forms of learning.” (Zitlow, Par. 2) Looking at education now and realizing how many tests kids go through to get through school is unbelievable; teachers use a lot of time to prepare their students for these Standardized Tests and while this is seen as the right thing to do it is not. The time being used to prepare for these tests is time that can be used to make sure kids know what they are learning, these tests are taking time away from more important things like reading and math. Also in this article by Connie Zitlow discussing how raising tests scores are affecting schools, she talks about how these tests increase the tension between students and teachers. As an example, Zitlow states, “...Leads to widespread cheating, turns teachers against students, narrows the conversation about education.” (Zitlow, P.29). Having students complete these tests is leading to more cheating in education, so worried about scores and how they are going to do is what Standardized Tests have done for education, create more and more tension among students. Standardized Testing moves farther and farther away from helping education. In the same article by Zitlow, She discusses how so much wasted time is spent on these tests and how it is costing students to lose time in the classroom for more important subjects, creating unnecessary stress. She says, “Time spent preparing students to succeed on such tests is time that could have been spent helping them become critical, creative, curious thinkers.” (Zitlow, Par. 33) As students move on through high school it is important that they become critical thinkers so that they can develop their thoughts more thoroughly. These Standardized Tests do not help education as they take time away from important matters such as math, reading, and science. As Standardized Testing is not good for education, others may argue that standardized testing does good for education and improves it. Many people argue that standardized testing does good in schools because it allows to see progress among students and teachers, they see standardized testing as a way for parents and teachers to look at achievements their students have made while taking these tests. For example, James Popham, Professor Emeritus of the Graduate of Education and Information at the University of California states, “...In much the same way that a parent can gain insights about a child's relative standing in different subject areas, so too can teachers profit from identifying their own students' comparative strengths and weaknesses.” (Popham, p.8). While teachers and parents are able to see how their students are doing, this is a benefit that parents and teachers get while they view that students report card. Standardized Testing is just another test serves the same purpose as regular classroom testing, the difference is that standardized tests are high stakes tests that are misused and take a lot of time out of the classroom. In an article by Thomas Haladyna, Professor of Educational Psychology states in his article that, “ Testing discourages social and intellectual development, such as cooperation, creativity and problem-solving skills, as time is spent instead on learning exactly what appears on the test.” (Haladyna, Par. 26) In the case of Standardized Testing, the bad outweighs the good, as students are put through more and more testing, they are losing valuable time in the classroom preparing for what is exactly on that test instead of becoming more critical learners. Standardized Testing is not helping America’s education, the increase of testing also increases the stress and tension among students which is unnecessary and wrong. Although Standardized Testing is practiced all over the United States and seen as a way to improve schools, It should no longer be continued in schools as it is not helping our education in an effective manner. Standardized Testing should be taken out of the equation of education, these tests are of no use to us and should be terminated for good. Removing these tests would ease the tension and stress that students so often have while having to take these tests, Getting rid of these tests would also give time back to the classroom where students learn to become more critical and developed learners. It is important for us kids to understand the importance of critical learning, these tests take a crucial amount of time to prepare for and we prepare for what is exactly on the test instead of becoming students that can develop our thoughts more successfully. Standardized Tests are misused in many ways, the preparation for these tests take time from important learning, and these tests are purely inconsistent. Students and parents should stand together and get these tests out of schools, if students have the opportunity then they should stand up and not take these high stakes tests any longer, the more students that opt out of these tests, the more money schools will waste on paying for these tests and will no longer be continued.