Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676 – led by Nathaniel Bacon, 29 year old planter, Virginia’s Gov’n: William Berkeley. Young single men frustrated by broken hopes of acquiring land. Bacon died of disease and Berkeley crushed their hopes.…
c.v. Necessary accumulation of hard currency, silver and gold, to support national wealth and power…
Listed below are a series of factors responsible for American industrialism in the late nineteenth century. First,…
5. Van Buren, squired into office by the close popular vote but by the comfortable margin of 170 to 124 votes (for all the Whigs combined) in the Electoral College N. Big Woes for the “Little Magician” 1. Martin Van Buren, eighth president, was the first to be born under the American flag 2. An accomplished strategist and spoils man—the “wizard of Albany”—he was also a statesman of wide experience in both legislative and administrative life 3. From the outset the new president labored under sever handicaps a. As a machine-made candidate, he incurred the resentment of many Democrats—those who objected to having a “bastard politician” smuggled into office behind Jackson b. Mild-mannered Martin Van Buren seemed to rattle in the military boots of his testy predecessor; the people felt let down and Van Buren inherited the Jackson’s enemies c. Van Buren’s four years overflowed with toil and trouble; a rebellion in Canada in 1837 stirred up ugly incidents along the northern frontier and threatened to trigger war with Britain; the president attempted to play a neutral game d. The antislavery agitators in the North were in full cry; among other grievances, they were condemning the prospective annexation of Texas; worst of all, Jackson bequeathed to Van Buren the makings of a searing depression—hard times ordinarily blight the reputation o the president and Van Buren was no exception O. Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury 1. The panic of 1837 was a financial sickness of the times; its basic cause was rampant speculation prompted by a mania of get-rich0quickism—gamblers in western land s were doing a “land-office business” on borrowed capital, much of it the shaky currency of “wildcat banks”—the speculative craze spread to canal, roads, railroads, and slaves 2. But speculation alone did not cause the crash; Jacksonian finance, including the Bank War and the Specie Circular, gave an additional jolt to an already teetering structure a. Failures of wheat crops,…
AP WORLD HISTORY - CHAPTER 26 - The New Balance of Power - Study Guide…
4. The “headright” system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America.…
Middle Ground: Middle ground refers to the land between the British and French empires. It was located between the Mississippi and Ohio river, and was home to many different tribes of Indians…
Economically, Big businesses provided some of the country’s’ greatest source of wealth as well as granting unimaginable fortune to the owners and leaders of the businesses. They controlled the resources and might have very well controlled the prices of items itself; the huge drop in Document A is clear evidence of their influence. The Gilded Age witnessed the expansion of the scale and scope of American industry. Old industries like iron transformed into modern industries, such as U.S. Steel. The expansion of the nation’s rail system in the decades following the Civil War played a vital role in the transformation of the American economy. New rail lines created a national market and fueled a new consumer culture that enabled businesses to expand from a regional to a nationwide scale.…
What role did women play in the government and intellectual life of the 1930s? How did the interests and concerns of women in this period differ from that of the 1920s?…
Extremists in New England became more vocal as war dragged on – some called for secession…
Proclaimed that the U.S. would honor its existing defense commitments that in the future, Asians and others would have to fight their own wars without the support of large bodies of American ground troops…
* *The Pentagon Papers- a 7,000 page document that was leaked to the press in 1971 by the former Defense Department worker *Daniel Ellsberg- revealing that the US govt had not been honest about its intentions in the Vietnam War.…
"What are the most important hallmarks of Lincoln 's leadership that influenced later presidents such as Teddy Roosevelt as they considered the role of the US presidency in American political life?"…
People who owed money-states to stop issuing money, which lowered the value of what they received in payment…
* Feb. 1861 – representatives of the seven seceded states met at Montgomery, Alabama and formed a new nation, The Confederate States of America.…