2: Theodore Roosevelt- darwinist, national parks
3: Henry Cabot Lodge- used darwinism to prove that the world belonged to the strongest nation (america)
4: Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan- "Influence of sea power upon history" stated that control of seas leads to world dominance, stimulated the naval race among nations,
enhanced american navy.
5: James G. Blaine- secretary of state, wanted to ally American and Latin American, "Big sister" policy, hemispheric relations. wanted to open ports in south america to
american traders.
6: diplomatic crises- germany vs. US OVER SAMOAN islands. canada vs. US over seal clubbing. lynching of eleven italians in new orleans.
7: Venezuelan dispute- dispute with venezuela and british over borders. americans put ships there to show their muscle.
8: Kaiser Wilhem III- leader of germany, challnged british navy.
9: Great Rapprochement- reconciliation between US and GB
10: Hawaii- a place were a lot of sugar plantation people went in search for new land to farm on. We kinda’ just went in there and slowly acted out in their government and
slowly but surely took it over. Also many natives died due to diseases the white man brought.
11: Queen Luliuokani- She was the last monarch leader of Hawaii. She had power when Americans started to come in but she lost it as their numbers increased and they
started demanding more stuff. The group that over threw her was known as “Committee of Safety”. They wanted to overthrow her to annex Hawaii to the USA.
12: "Butcher" Weyler- He was the man sent by Spain to take control and set order in Cuba; treated the Cubans very poorly, and even sent them into concentration camps.
13: "yellow journalism"- most notably used when the US ship exploded. They made it look like the Spanish army attacked an American vessel, while in reality the engine
exploded. This in