• North America first discovered when nomads crossed the Bering Strait(into alaska)
• Migrations began 14000-16000 years ago, possibly earlier
• Resulted from tools, spears, hunting supplies that made it easier to hunt large animals, that crossed between the two continents, drawing people into unsettled territories
• Mongolian descent (present day Siberia)
• Southern Tip of South America discovered around 8000 BC
• By 1500 (Europeans coming), there were more people in the Americas than in Europe
America Before Columbus
• Global Warming that ended the Ice Age created distinct regions in the USA that exist today. Ended nomadic behavior, created settlement.
• adaptation to surroundings created distinct civilizations, even though the same racial heritage existed.
• Civilizations of the South
• Most elaborate societies emerged in - S/Cent. America and Mexico
• Peru- Inca Empire (Cuzco and Machu Picchu)(over 6 million people) o Created a complex Political System o Network of Paved Roads that brought tribes together(under single rule) o No system of writing or paper
• Yucatan Peninsula- Mayas (Mayapan) o Written Language o Numerical System like Arabic o Accurate Calendar o Advanced Agriculture
• Mayans succeeded by Aztecs- Cent. And S Mexico (Tenochtitlan) o once nomadic warrior tribe from north o Elaborate Administrative, educational, and medical systems comparable to Europe o Pyramids like Egypt o Harsh Religion that required human sacrifice(skulls of over 100,00 victims found in 1519) o Considered Savages by Europeans despite accomplishments
• Economies and Cities o Primarily Agriculture Based o Substantial cities where rulers lived o Elaborate settlements with religious ceremonial structures o No wheeled vehicles
Civilizations of the North o Not as large empires or political system o Complex civilizations with variety
• Northern Region Societies o Hunting, Fishing, Gathering, or combination o Eskimos fished and hunted seals o Pacific